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DApp Development

Building Decentralized Apps

More on Jackson Kelley’s channel https://www.youtube.com/user/jackodwhacko/videos

More on NSJames’s channel https://www.youtube.com/user/grandmoren1/videos

More on Max G’s channel https://www.youtube.com/user/apexmaxable/videos

Getting Started


Design Framework

A contract is an agreement governing outcomes for actions, given a set of inputs. A contract can range from formal legal contracts (e.g., a financial transaction) to something as simple as the “rules” of a game. Typical actions can be things such as fund transfers (in the case of a financial contract) or game moves (in the case of a game contract).

An EOSIO smart contract is software registered on the blockchain and executed on EOSIO nodes, that implements the semantics of a “contract” whose ledger of action requests are being stored on the blockchain. The Smart Contract defines the interface (actions, parameters, data structures) and the code that implements the interface. The code is compiled into a canonical bytecode format that nodes can retrieve and execute. The blockchain stores the transactions (e.g., legal transfers, game moves) of the contract. Each Smart Contract must be accompanied by a Ricardian Contract that defines the legally binding terms and conditions of the contract.

Digital Scarcity’s github repo has an example designed to provide a step-by-step framework and example for creating a smart contract on EOS. It uses a simple use case of equipment rentals that list their equipment for rent and renters who pay rent for those items.

Process Steps

Here are the general steps to developing a smart contract. alt text

Data Model

Define the data that will be persisted in the smart contract alt text


Define the actions, or state changes, that must exist in your smart contract alt text

Pre and Post-Conditions

Define the actions or state changes, that must exist in your smart contract alt text

Open Source Smart Contracts

EOS Costa Rica maintains a list of open-source EOS smart contracts you can use as reference in the following repo:


Jungle Testnet

More at https://jungletestnet.io

Kylin Testnet


Development Environment

EOS Local provides a really quick way to set up an EOS local network with IPFS using docker.


EOSIO.CDT (Contract Development Toolkit) is a suite of tools used to build EOSIO contracts.


Python-based EOS smart-contract development & testing framework.


EOSIO DApp Boilerplate

This boilerplate provides a very quick way to get started with application development on the EOSIO platform. It’s an opinioned selection of technologies that will allow you to build performant and scalable EOSIO dApps.


EOSIO Developers Portal


Decentralized Storage - IPFS